We offer the benefit of a multicultural and passionate team, professional development opportunities, relocation for personnel living outside Slatina.
Main competences:
- Graduate from higher financial education.
- Post-university education – recommended
- English and Russian languages at advance level (written/ spoken) - mandatory
- Advanced PC operating skills
- Experience in industry - at least 3 years in a financial controller position
- Thorough knowledge in the field of financial control
- Experience in business planning and management, including budget-making
- Ability to formulate sound reasoning and make decisions based on correct and current analysis.
- High integrity and reliability level with a strong sense of priorities and result-orientation
- Strategic planning and execution skills
- Skills to facilitate and participate in group meetings
- Work-organization skills
Main responsibilities:
- Develops, supports, applies and improves continuously the control methods, forecasted results versus yielded results in all aspects of the company (budget execution, cost centre/profit centre results etc.)
- Prepares financial analysis reports accompanied by tables and charts
- Analyses financial information to make predictions on the economic conditions and the industrial background’s status and business-wise, all to support investment decisions
- Verifies that cost and profit centres are effective
- Participates in/ contributes to the elaboration of the financial forecasts for business plans
- Prepares budgetary control rules and methodology
- Analyses processes and develop countermeasures
- Analyses economic results achieved by the institution, conduct variance analysis, identify new trends in economy and/ or finance and make recommendations for improvement
- Analyses investment proposals from financial perspective based on information received from the other departments (outputs, cost of investments, etc)
- Evaluates investment risks to the company’s budget or capital
- Examines annual reports and institution’s revenue and expenditure statements
- Estimates profits and loss associated with certain investments or commercial transactions
- Verifies the accuracy of information contained in Monthly report and communicates with departments to deliver a qualitative information
- Participates in the development of the Company’s strategy and its annual update, plans and ensures compliance with annual budgets in accordance with the Company's strategy
- Provides creative alternatives and recommendations to reduce costs and improve financial performance
- Analyzes past and current financial performance data
- Prepares reports and projections based on analyses
- Identifies and improves financial status by analyzing results, monitoring variances, identifying trends, and recommending improvements to management.
- In charge of risk analysis and identification of opportunities on level and organization process.
Main competences:
- Absolvent studii tehnice de specialitate.
- Experiență în mentenanța electrică.
- Certificat de calificare și autorizație electrician.
Main responsibilities:
- Efectuează intervenții de urgență la sistemele tehnice de natura electrică.
- Asigură efectuarea inspecțiilor periodice (lunare) asupra instalațiilor electrice.
- Asigură efectuarea lucrărilor de natura electrică privind reparații minore ale instalațiilor.
- Efectuează alte lucrări la cerere la instalațiile electrice utilizate în conformitate cu procedurile interne aprobate (lucrări cu scoaterea de sub tensiune).
- Efectuarea mentenanței permanente în cadrul obiectivului.
- Răspunde de efectuarea corespunzătoare a activităților din caietul de sarcini ale obiectivului, conform graficului de lucru.
- Răspunde de calitatea lucrărilor efectuate și de raportările întocmite către superiorul ierarhic.
Main competences:
- Technical studies
- High abilities to read and interpret technical drawings
- Knowledge of machining and/or surface processing
- Experience as die corrector at least 3 years
- Logical thinking
- Dexterity, patience
- Ability to perform repetitive tasks
Main responsibilities:
- Verifies dies and tools and participates in die tests and production tests
- Corrects extrusion tools
- Checks samples for new dies and informs the Die Department Coordinator of the results
- Prepares dies for presses
- Performs milling operations within the correction team
- Together with the Department’s Coordinator, check and propose modifications of the die drawings
- Is responsible for cleaning and correcting dies, checking and maintaining the die rack according to the internal program and the instructions received from the Planning department
- If necessary, fulfill responsibilities of crane operator
- Enters changes made on dies into specific applications
Main competences:
- Absolvent studii superioare de specialitate
- Bune cunostinte software CAD CAM, MS Office
- Cunostinte aprofundate despre CNC-uri si masini de frezare/turnare/strunjire
- Nivel ridicat de cunoștinte tehnice: desen tehnic, procese dе fabricatie/prelucrare a materialelor; instrumente de masura
- Experienta in proiectare tehnica/mecanica
- Cunostinte de operare si raportare in sisteme tip ERP
- Minim 3 ani experienta intr-un rol similar
- Engleza nivel mediu-avansat
Main responsibilities:
- Crearea, implementarea si personalizarea programelor pentru CNC
- Depanarea codului si controlul functionarii echipamentelor CNC
- Propunerea de imbunatatiri pentru optimizarea proceselor
- Asigurarea functionarii echipamentelor CNC
- Elaborarea ofertelor de pret pentru cererile noi
- Realizarea produselor conform specificatiilor: desen tehnic, procedura de fabricatie, cu respectarea timpilor de lucru stabiliti
- Controlul conformitatii pieselor cu cerintele documentelor de proiectare
- Efectuarea de corectii/reglaje
- Masurarea pieselor si realizarea controlului vizual pentru a se asigura ca se intrunesc cerintele de calitate
- Colaboreaza cu Departamentele Marketing, Calitate si Productie pentru a asigura noi produse corespunzatoare specificatiei clientului, respectand standardele de calitate in Vimetco Extrusion
Main competences:
- English language is mandatory together with very good communication skills in spoken and written format.
- Organized and self-motivated person
- Customer oriented mental attitude, with initiative and proactive
- Critical thinking and analytical abilities with attention to details
- Adaptability and solution oriented
- Ability to work independently with slight direct supervision and as a part of a team.
- Ability to understand basic technical aspects related to company industry.
- Fast reaction- working under time pressure and with deadlines.
- Very good computer skills (MS Office, Excel, Word, Power Point, Outlook)
- 2-3 years of experience in working field
Main responsibilities:
- Identifying customer requirements and managing them in due time, as per company procedures
- Providing assistance to sales personnel and representing the interface between the company and customers;
- Preparing price offers / order confirmations/ invoices / specific reports about customers’ activity.
- Permanent collaboration with other departments for offering information/ solutions/ counseling to customers regarding their requirements;
- Internal follow up on open items such as orders/logistics/pricing issues/quality.
Main competences:
- Studii finalizate în domeniul ingineriei sau o calificare echivalentă.
- Experiență solidă în configurarea, dezvoltarea și întreținerea ERP Priority.
- Cunoștințe avansate de SQL (scriere și optimizare de interogări complexe, proceduri stocate, indexare, triggere, funcții, taskuri programate ).
- Experiență în integrarea ERP-ului cu alte sisteme utilizând TSQL
- Cunoștințe despre fluxurile de lucru și procesele dintr-un mediu industrial sau comercial.
- Cunoștințe solide de administrare a bazelor de date.
- Abilități avansate de utilizare a PC-ului.
- Engleză mediu – scris și vorbit.
Main responsibilities:
- Administrarea și personalizarea sistemului Priority ERP conform cerințelor companiei.
- Dezvoltarea și optimizarea interogărilor SQL pentru rapoarte și automatizări.
- Analizarea și îmbunătățirea proceselor ERP pentru eficientizarea fluxurilor de lucru.
- Oferirea de suport tehnic utilizatorilor și instruirea acestora în utilizarea corectă a sistemului.
- Crearea și întreținerea documentației tehnice pentru configurații și dezvoltări.
- Implementarea și testarea actualizărilor și îmbunătățirilor sistemului ERP.
- Colaborarea cu echipa IT și departamentele operaționale pentru integrarea ERP-ului cu alte sisteme interne.
- Planificarea și implementarea activităților de mentenanță preventivă pentru baza de date ERP.
Main competences:
- Develop and implement packaging plans and schedules based on production forecasts and customer orders.
- Coordinate with production and logistics teams to ensure timely availability of packing materials and resources.
- Identify and escalate any issues or bottlenecks in the packing process.
- Maintain accurate records of packing activities, including quantities packed, materials used, and any discrepancies.
- Collaborate with the quality control team to ensure that packed products meet quality and safety standards.
- Calculate packing data (KPI) and monthly reports.
- Provide accurate and timely volume performance analysis to facilitate demand forecasting
Main responsibilities:
- Bachelor’s degree in Supply Chain Management, Logistics, Business Administration, or a related field.
- Proven experience in packing, logistics, or supply chain planning.
- Strong organizational and time management skills.
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
- Proficiency in using planning and scheduling software.
- Attention to detail and a commitment to quality.
- Ability to work effectively in a fast-paced environment.
- Very good computer skills: MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
- Languages: English upper intermediate to advanced.